Sunday, 15 February 2015

The Costume Success By Lloyd

Now we have filmed all our footage , we can discuss the costume success .

The Jogging Bottoms -
Jogging Bottoms are viewed as comfortable, so using these to run away in makes sense as he obviously thinking of being  comfortable and warm . The fact these were ripped it gives us a sense he was poor or abused perhaps , as you would want to be warm if you were running away.These help convey realism and Sympathy to the audience .

The Hoodie and Jacket -
A plain black Hoodie shows us that he is not the most well of as he is not wearing anything too fancy . The hoodie also viewed as  comfortable  and warm , so this also shows the realism .

The Backpack -

The backpack helps us to understand that he is not coming back and the fact he put so many vital items to him in it shows us that he is practical , so realism is conveyed . Also Sympathy is conveyed as the Backpack was Quite small and this shows us that he obviously does not own much .

Shoes -
These shoes look rather  comfortable  this shows us that he thought  about  what he was going to wear .

Overall this shows us that the  character   has thought about his outfit and wanted to e  comfortable  and warm . The fact he doesn't have much also conveys sympathy .


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